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Parker Brothers Trojan Grade 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun

Parker Brothers Trojan Grade 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun
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Product Code: PBTG12G787
Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details

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American made 12 gauge boxlock game shotgun. The 28” blued Trojan steel barrels are fit with extractors, a tapered machined concave game rib, brass bead front sight and are choked Improved Modified & Full. The rib is roll marked 'PARKER BROS. MAKERS. MERIDEN. CT. U.S.A. TROJAN STEEL.'. Built on Parker's No. 2 size frame. The trace case color hardened action is engraved 'PARKER BROS' on both sides of the action body. The gun features a safety with "SAFE" engraved on the top strap ahead of the checkered safety slide, top lever with the left side of the thumbpiece checkered, double triggers protected by a trigger guard extending to a bottom strap with serial number. Select walnut stock with pistol grip. The stock's LOP is 14" to a scored plastic buttplate, splinter fore-end with snap release, 7 Lbs. - 8 Oz.
    • Gauge: 12
    • Length: 28 Inches - Trojan Steel
    • Chokes: Improved Modified & Full
    • Rib: Tapered Machined Concave Game
    • Sight: Brass Front Bead
    • Stock Length: 14 Inches
    • Cast: Nil
    • Weight: 7 Lbs. - 8 Oz.