12 Gauge patent Anson & Deeley boxlock ejector shotgun from 1895 with 30” browned Damascus nitro proved barrels with dolls head extension and a game rib.
Spanish made 12 gauge game gun made for Ducks Unlimited with 27-1/2" blued steel barrels fit with ejectors, 3" chambers, machined matte ventilated top rib with steel bead front sight and steel middle bead, ventilated side ribs and interchangeable multi tubes.
A 12
Gauge Sidelock ejector shotgun circa 1911 with 30” modern nitro proved barrels with rib extension dolls head
third fastener and a flat top rib.
A 12 bore sidelock game gun with 29" blacked round nitro proved steel barrels that are fit with ejectors, a tapered smooth concave game rib and a brass bead front sight. The rib is engraved "ARMY & NAVY C.S.L. LONDON.". Proved for 2-1/2" cartridges and choked modified & improved modified.
A matched pair of 20 gauge sidelock ejector game shotguns engraved in the Purdey style rose & scroll pattern with H&H style assisted opening mechanisms, hand detachable locks, disc set strikers, gas escapes, 28” barrels, 2-3/4” chambers, Churchill ribs and choked improved cylinder & improved cylinder.
A 28 Gauge Round Body Sidelock Ejector shotgun with disc set strikers, cocking indicators, gas vents, 29” barrels, 2-3/4” chambers and a concave game rib.
AS NEW - A 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun made for Ducks Unlimited with a 28" polished blued steel barrel that is chambered for 3" cartridges, has a ventilated matte rib with a white bead front sight installed. The barrel is fit with Browning's Invector-Plus interchangeable choke.
Holland & Holland Royal sidelock 12 gauge game gun with 30" blacked round nitro proved chopper-lump barrels that are fit with ejectors, a tapered matte concave game rib and a steel bead front sight. Proved for 2-3/4" cartridges and choked modified & improved modified.
A 12 gauge scalloped frame boxlock ejector shotgun. It has blued 26" monobloc barrels fit with ejectors, 2-3/4" chambers, a machined ventilated top rib fit with a steel bead front sight and solid side ribs. The bottom barrel is choked Skeet and the top barrel Modified.
Spanish made 12 gauge bolstered back-action sidelock ejector action with quadruple bolting - double under locking lugs and double Kersten crossbolts. It has blued 28" demi-bloc barrels fit with ejectors, 2-3/4" chambers, a machined matte ventilated top rib fit with a steel bead front sight and solid side ribs. The bottom barrel is choked Modified and the top barrel Full.